Trailblazing Innovation Services
There are many paths on the journey to innovation. Through proprietary processes and custom investigations, we deliver an actionable innovation plan that is miles ahead of what you’ve experienced before.
Trend Investigations
Through a proprietary approach of fractal thinking, we conduct research to identify areas of momentum impacting your business or category. We explore adjacencies, related and analagous categories, consumer behaviors and unmet needs, growth drivers and disruptors to your changing business landscape. Based on the signals we reveal, we craft custom, actionable trend frameworks that help our clients uncover and drive innovation and new revenue opportunities.
Trend-Driven Primary Insights
Ebco leverages our custom trend expertise to inform and enable more comprehensive and actionable primary insights studies with consumers, customers, and experts. Starting with a foundation in actionable trends, we uncover areas primed for exploration. Ebco’s trend-driven primary insights approach is delivered through a multitude of methodologies and is focused on bringing to life future-facing insights that unlock innovation opportunities.
Trend Expeditions
Travel with us on immersive, curated trend explorations in a selected domestic or global city. You and your team will experience research implications in a real-world setting based on macro trends in your category. Touch, feel, see, hear, and taste during these interactive moments as you experience 100+ product, service, or marketing ideas in a hands-on setting. The expedition concludes with a dynamic presentation filled with documented insights from your travels. You’ll return to work inspired, empowered, and ready to apply experiential innovation in real time.
Trend Immersion Workshops & Innovation Pipeline
These custom-designed workshops leverage Ebco’s proprietary trend frameworks and insights to help your team generate hundreds of new ideas for your innovation pipeline. Your internal teams can engage with external experts and even consumers to explore products, services, and business models in a sensorial way, in person or virtually. Ebco’s in-house design team is ready to bring to life the ideas you generate in the workshop as concepts ready for testing or prototyping.
Scouting Investigations
Ebco’s Scouting Investigations enable our clients to identify startups, disruptors, and emerging companies to support potential M&A, partnerships, and investments. Ebco’s scouting is rooted in opportunities identified through our custom trend and innovation frameworks. We can focus on products, manufacturing, services, technology, or strategic partnerships.

Project Insights to Inspire
Words log the journey, but scenic stories inspire major expeditions. We’ve compiled a library of insights to showcase the bold spirit and complexity of our trend research projects and deliverables. Dig in!
Let's Talk
Big innovation initiatives demand custom efforts. We inspire and energize innovation teams, marketers, and leaders across the globe.